Ubuntu Services

Those are commands which you can use to manage Ubuntu Services

Systemctl Command
systemctl is used to introspect and control the state of the
systemd system and service manager in Ubuntu

systemctl [command] [service_name]
: command is an action you want to perform for service (start, stop, restart, etc).
: service_name is where you enter the name of the service to perform actions.

systemctl works with the initialization system files found in /lib/systemd

Command Usage
systemctl list-unit-files List all installed unit files and their states.
systemctl list-units –type=service –state=running Show a complete list of running services.
systemctl list-units –type=service –state=failed Show failed service

systemctl start [service] Start a service.
systemctl stop [service] Stop a service.

systemctl enable [service] Enable a service to start automatically at system boot.
systemctl disable [service] Disable a service from starting automatically at system boot.

systemctl status [service] View the status of a service.

systemctl restart [service] Restart a service.
systemctl reload [service] Reload a service’s configuration without restarting it.

systemctl mask [service] Prevent a service from being started.
systemctl unmask [service] Allow a previously masked service to be started.

systemctl set-default [target] Change the default system target (runlevel).

systemctl list-dependencies [unit] List the dependencies of a specific unit.

systemctl list-sockets List all active sockets.

systemctl list-jobs List all active systemd jobs.

systemctl list-units Show the status of all loaded and active systemd units.

systemctl daemon-reload reload all unit files, and recreate the entire dependency tree.